PHP 开发工具包快速入门

云眼About 13 min

PHP 开发工具包快速入门

欢迎阅读云眼灰度发布(特性标帜)AB实验的 PHP SDK 快速入门指南。

按照本指南中的步骤创建灰度发布(特性标帜)、推出标帜传递,并使用简单的命令行应用程序运行 A/B 测试。


1. 获取免费帐户

需要一个 云眼 帐户才能遵循本指南。如果没有帐户,可以注册一个免费帐户open in new window。如果已有帐户,请导航到启用了标帜的项目。

2. 获取开发工具包密钥


  1. 转到“设置”>“主环境”。
  2. 复制并保存主环境的 SDK 密钥

📘 注意



3. 复制示例代码

要试用 SDK,请执行以下操作:

PHP SDK 可通过 Composeropen in new window 获得。

📘 注意

PHP SDK 需要 PHP 5.5+。

  1. 创建一个名为 的文件。eyeofcloud-php-quickstart.php
  2. 安装云眼灰度发布(特性标帜)AB实验 PHP SDK。
  3. 在终端中,运行以下命令:


composer require eyeofcloud/eyeofcloud-sdk

  1. 将以下代码示例复制到应用的默认_优化 php-quickstart.php_ 文件中。
  2. 将<Your_SDK_Key>替换为在上一步中找到的 SDK 密钥。
require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use Eyeofcloud\EyeofcloudFactory;
$eyeofcloudToken = '<YOUR_SDK_KEY>';

$eyeofcloudClient = EyeofcloudFactory::createDefaultInstance($eyeofcloudToken);

if ($eyeofcloudClient->isValid())
    /* --------------------------------
     * to get rapid demo results, generate random users. Each user always sees the same variation unless you reconfigure the flag rule.
     * --------------------------------

    $hasOnFlags = false;
    for ($i = 0;$i < 10;$i++)
        $userId = strval(mt_rand(1000, 9999));
        /* --------------------------------
           Create hardcoded user & bucket user into a flag variation
        $user = $eyeofcloudClient->createUserContext($userId);
        // "product_sort" corresponds to a flag key in your Eyeofcloud project
        $decision = $user->decide('product_sort');
        // did decision fail with a critical error?
        if (empty($decision->getVariationKey()))
            printf("decision error:  %s", implode(', ', $decision->getReasons()));

        // get a dynamic configuration variable
        // "sort_method" corresponds to a variable key in your Eyeofcloud project
        $sortMethod = $decision->getVariables() ['sort_method'];

        /* --------------------------------
        Mock what the users sees with print statements (in production, use flag variables to implement feature configuration)

        // always returns false until you enable a flag rule in your Eyeofcloud project
        $enabled = $decision->getEnabled();

        if ($enabled)
            $hasOnFlags = true;
        printf("\n\nFlag %s. User number %s saw flag variation %s and got products sorted by %s config variable as part of flag rule: %s", $enabled ? "on" : "off", $user->getUserId() , $decision->getVariationKey() , $sortMethod, $decision->getRuleKey());

    if (!$hasOnFlags)
        printf("\n\n Flag was off for everyone. Some reasons could include: 
            \n Your sample size of visitors was too small. Rerun, or increase the iterations in the FOR loop 
            \n Check your SDK key. Verify in Settings>Environments that you used the right key for the environment where your flag is toggled to ON. 
            \ncheck your key at settings/implementation", $eyeofcloudClient

    printf("Eyeofcloud client invalid. Verify in Settings>Environments that you used the primary environment's SDK key");


🚧 重要

暂时不要运行应用程序,因为仍然需要在 云眼 应用程序中设置标帜。


完成第一部分后,应用将不执行任何操作。需要在 云眼 应用程序中创建标帜和标帜规则才能启用该应用程序。

1. 创建灰度发布(特性标帜)


在 云眼 中创建一个名为 product_sort 的标帜,并为其提供一个名为 sort_method 的变量:

  1. 转到标帜>创建标帜
  2. 将标帜键命名为_product_sort_,然后单击**“创建标帜**”,该标帜对应于示例应用中的标帜键。
  3. 转到默认变量,然后单击新建 (+)。
  4. 将变量类型设置为_字符串_。
  5. 将变量命名_为 sort_method_,该名称对应于示例应用中的变量键。
  6. 将变量默认值设置为_字母顺序_,表示旧的排序方法。
  1. 单击右下角的保存以保存变量。
  2. 转到变体**,**然后点击默认的“开启”变体。变体是变量值集合的包装器。
  3. sort_method变量值设置为 popular_first,表示新的排序方法。
  1. 单击保存

2. 创建标帜传递规则



  1. 验证您是否在主环境中(因为您使用的是主环境 SDK 密钥):
  1. 点击添加规则,然后选择定向投放
  2. 将流量滑块设置为 50%。这会将标帜传递给在此环境中触发标帜的每个人的 50%。可以随时将product_sort标帜推出或回滚到流量的百分比。
  3. 从“传递”下拉列表中,选择“打开”。
  4. 单击保存
Screenshot docs.png
  1. 为标帜规则启用标帜:

3. 运行示例应用


php eyeofcloud-php-quickstart.php


Flag on. User number 6998 saw flag variation: on and got products sorted by: popular_first config variable as part of flag rule: targeted_delivery

Flag on. User number 1177 saw flag variation: on and got products sorted by: popular_first config variable as part of flag rule: targeted_delivery

Flag on. User number 9714 saw flag variation: on and got products sorted by: popular_first config variable as part of flag rule: targeted_delivery

Flag on. User number 4140 saw flag variation: on and got products sorted by: popular_first config variable as part of flag rule: targeted_delivery

Flag on. User number 4994 saw flag variation: on and got products sorted by: popular_first config variable as part of flag rule: targeted_delivery

Flag off. User number 8700 saw flag variation: off and got products sorted by: alphabetical config variable as part of flag rule: default-rollout-208-19963693913

Flag off. User number 9912 saw flag variation: off and got products sorted by: alphabetical config variable as part of flag rule: default-rollout-208-19963693913

Flag on. User number 6560 saw flag variation: on and got products sorted by: popular_first config variable as part of flag rule: targeted_delivery

Flag on. User number 9252 saw flag variation: on and got products sorted by: popular_first config variable as part of flag rule: targeted_delivery

Flag on. User number 6582 saw flag variation: on and got products sorted by: popular_first config variable as part of flag rule: targeted_delivery

📘 注意

在“开启”变体中,您不会获得恰好 50% 的用户流量,因为您正在与如此少量的访问者合作。此外,获得“关闭”标帜的用户没有进入您设置的 50% 流量,因此他们跌落到默认的“关闭”规则(前面的打印语句中的_默认推出_):

4. 工作原理


  • 在 云眼 应用程序中创建了标帜、标帜变量和标帜变体(变量的包装器)
  • 使用 Decide 方法在应用中实现了标帜



PHP SDK 的 Decide 方法确定是显示还是隐藏特定用户的灰度发布(特性标帜)。

📘 注意




$user = $eyeofcloudClient->createUserContext('user_232');
// "product_sort" corresponds to the flag key you create in the Eyeofcloud app
$decision = $user->decide('product_sort');




$user = $eyeofcloud->createUserContext('user123');
$user->setAttribute('is_logged_in', true);



// always returns false until you enable a flag rule in the Eyeofcloud app
$enabled = $decision->getEnabled();
if ($enabled) 
  // "sort_method" corresponds to variable key you define in Eyeofcloud app
 $sort_method = $decision->getVariables()['sort_method'];
 printf("sort_method %s", $sort_method);

对于product_sort标帜,可以配置具有不同sort_method值的变体,按热门产品、相关产品、推广产品等进行排序。可以随时在 云眼 应用程序中为排序方法设置不同的值。

第三部分:运行 A/B 测试

本教程只是指导您完成有针对性的交付,因为它是最简单的标帜规则。但是,在推出灰度发布(特性标帜)传递之前,你通常需要对用户_对_灰度发布(特性标帜)变体的反应进行 A/B 测试。

下表显示了标帜传递和 A/B 测试之间的差异:


A/B 测试规则


在投资交付之前,通过 A/B 测试标帜进行实验,这样您就知道要构建什么。跟踪用户在标帜变体中的行为,然后使用 云眼 统计引擎解释实验结果。

现在,A / B测试product_sort标帜的“on”变体。

1. 添加事件跟踪


  1. 删除旧的示例代码,并粘贴以下代码。
  2. 请记得再次更换开发工具包密钥
  3. 不要运行应用程序,因为仍然需要在 云眼 应用程序中设置 A/B 测试。
require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use Eyeofcloud\EyeofcloudFactory;

$eyeofcloudToken = '<YOUR_SDK_KEY>';
// For more instantiation configuration, see the PHP SDK reference
$eyeofcloudClient = EyeofcloudFactory::createDefaultInstance($eyeofcloudToken);
      /* --------------------------------
         OPTIONAL: Add a notification listener so you can integrate with third-party analytics platforms
        function onDecision($type, $userId, $attributes, $decisionInfo) {
        if ($type == "flag"){
        $serializedJsonInfo = json_encode($decisionInfo);
        printf("Feature flag access related information: %s", $serializedJsonInfo);
        // Send data to analytics provider here

      /* --------------------------------
       * to get rapid demo experiment results, generate random users. Each user is deterministically hashed into a variation.
       * --------------------------------

$hasOnFlags = false;
for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) {
    $userId = strval(mt_rand(1000, 9999));
     /* --------------------------------
           Bucket user into a flag variation and mock experiment results
    $user = $eyeofcloudClient->createUserContext($userId);
    $decision = $user->decide('product_sort');
    // did decision fail with a critical error?
    if (empty($decision->getVariationKey()))
        printf("decision error:  %s", implode(', ', $decision->getReasons()));

    $sortMethod = $decision->getVariables() ['sort_method'];
    $enabled = $decision->getEnabled();
    if ($enabled)
      $hasOnFlags = true;
    // Mock what the users sees with print statements (in production, use flag variables to implement feature configuration)
    // always returns false until you enable a flag rule in your Eyeofcloud project
    printf("\n\nFlag %s. User number %s saw flag variation %s and got products sorted by %s config variable as part of flag rule: %s\n", $enabled ? "on" : "off", $user->getUserId() , $decision->getVariationKey() , $sortMethod, $decision->getRuleKey());

if (!$hasOnFlags)
  printf("\n\nFlag was off for everyone. Some reasons could include:" +
  "\n1. Your sample size of visitors was too small. Rerun, or increase the iterations in the FOR loop" +
  "\n2. By default you have 2 keys for 2 project environments (dev/prod). Verify in Settings>Environments that you used the right key for the environment where your flag is toggled to ON." +
  "\nCheck your key at", $eyeofcloudClient->configManager->getConfig()->getProjectId());
  printf("\n\nDone with your mocked A/B test.");
  printf("\nCheck out your report at", $eyeofcloudClient->configManager->getConfig()->getProjectId());
  printf("\nBe sure to select the environment that corresponds to your SDK key");


function MockPurchase($user)
      printf(" Pretend that user %s made a purchase? y/n ", $user->getUserId());
      $answer = readline();

      if (strcmp(strtolower($answer), "y") == 0){
        // track a user event you defined in the Eyeofcloud app
        printf("Eyeofcloud recorded a purchase in experiment results for user %s ", $user->getUserId());
         printf("Eyeofcloud didn't record a purchase in experiment results  for user %s", $user->getUserId());


2. 暂停免费帐户中的其他规则

如果你有免费帐户,则需要在保存 A/B 测试之前暂停之前在本快速入门中创建的目标交付:

  1. 选择包含您计划暂停的目标投放的特定标帜
  1. 选择要暂停的环境目标投放
  2. 单击右上角的禁用规则按钮。

3. 创建 A/B 测试


  1. 转到旗帜的规则。
  2. 单击“> A/B 测试添加规则”。

4. 添加事件


  1. 单击**“指标**”字段。
  2. 点击创建新活动
  1. 对于事件密钥,输入_购买_并单击创建事件。(您想知道新的排序标帜是否帮助客户确定要购买什么,因此请跟踪用户在新订单中显示产品后是否进行了购买。
2021-03-24 12_27_01-product_sort_ Flags_ Rules_ Development_ Experiment - 云眼.png
  1. 保留默认值(衡量_唯一身份转化_次数_的增加_)。
  1. 点击添加指标
  2. 将默认的“关闭”变体保留为控件。选择您在上一步中配置的“开”变体:
  1. 单击保存

📘 注意

您不限于两种变体;还可以创建具有多个变体的 A/B 测试。例如:



5. 运行 A/B 测试



php eyeofcloud-php-quickstart.php


Flag on. User number 1496 saw flag variation: on and got products sorted by: popular_first config variable as part of flag rule: experiment_1
Pretend that user 1496 made a purchase? y/n
Eyeofcloud didn't record a purchase in experiment results for user 1496

Flag off. User number 1194 saw flag variation: off and got products sorted by: alphabetical config variable as part of flag rule: experiment_1
Pretend that user 1194 made a purchase? y/n
Eyeofcloud recorded a purchase in experiment results for user 1194

Flag off. User number 5815 saw flag variation: off and got products sorted by: alphabetical config variable as part of flag rule: experiment_1
Pretend that user 5815 made a purchase? y/n
Eyeofcloud recorded a purchase in experiment results for user 5815

Flag on. User number 1248 saw flag variation: on and got products sorted by: popular_first config variable as part of flag rule: experiment_1
Pretend that user 1248 made a purchase? y/n
Eyeofcloud recorded a purchase in experiment results for user 1248

Flag off. User number 9580 saw flag variation: off and got products sorted by: alphabetical config variable as part of flag rule: experiment_1
Pretend that user 9580 made a purchase? y/n
Eyeofcloud didn't record a purchase in experiment results for user 9580

Done with your mocked A/B test.
Check out your report at
Be sure to select the environment that corresponds to your SDK key

6. 查看 A/B 测试结果




experiment overview.png

📘 注意

  • 在拥有更多用户之前,开发者可能不会看到为标帜变体配置的确切用户流量百分比。
  • 开发者可能不会立即看到用户流量。刷新浏览器以刷新流量。
  • 在有大量访问者(大约 100,000 人)之前,实验结果不会告诉您获胜变体。

7. 工作原理

对于 A/B 测试,需要一种方法来告知 云眼 用户何时在应用中进行了购买,并将应用代码中的此事件映射到您在 云眼 中创建的特定事件。幸运的是,SDK有一种方法。使用 Track Event 方法并传入所创建事件的密钥 ()。在示例应用中:purchase

// Track how users behave when they see a flag variation
// e.g., after your app processed a purchase, let Eyeofcloud know what happened:

📘 注意


$tags = [
  "category" => "shoes",
  "revenue" => 6432
$user->trackEvent("purchase", $tags);


无论哪种方式,在实现标帜时都应包括事件跟踪,因为它可以帮助与第三方分析平台集成,并且在创建 A/B 测试时提供灵活性。


祝贺!您已成功设置并启动了第一个云眼灰度发布(特性标帜)AB实验。虽然此示例侧重于优化销售,但 云眼 的实验平台可以支持一组开放式的实验用例。

请参阅我们完整的 PHP SDK 文档,了解使用实验优化软件的更多方法。

Last update:
Contributors: “zhangweixue”,zhangweixue